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Bleach 25-26 منتديات العاشق
قديم 11-16-2012, 04:29 PM   #1531
عاشق مبدع ومحترف
الصورة الرمزية sάsкε dεsigεηя
رقـم العضويــة: 102112
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 970
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 484
MSN : إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى sάsкε dεsigεηя

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

sάsкε dεsigεηя غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 04:30 PM   #1532
عاشق مبدع ومحترف
الصورة الرمزية sάsкε dεsigεηя
رقـم العضويــة: 102112
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 970
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 484
MSN : إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى sάsкε dεsigεηя

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 4 ( الأعضاء 4 والزوار 0) ‏sάsкε dεsigεηя, ‏zeez10119+, ‏Nasser-Des+, ‏regal lion

sάsкε dεsigεηя غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 04:32 PM   #1533
عاشق مبدع ومحترف
الصورة الرمزية sάsкε dεsigεηя
رقـم العضويــة: 102112
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 970
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 484
MSN : إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى sάsкε dεsigεηя

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

نضم لنا سوفكرس الأزرق

نتفتقد سوفركس البرتقالي

sάsкε dεsigεηя غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 04:33 PM   #1534
عاشق مبدع ومحترف
الصورة الرمزية sάsкε dεsigεηя
رقـم العضويــة: 102112
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 970
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 484
MSN : إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى sάsкε dεsigεηя

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

sάsкε dεsigεηя غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 05:02 PM   #1535
عاشق فلتة
الصورة الرمزية zeez10119
رقـم العضويــة: 86987
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
المشـــاركـات: 1,245
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 333

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

هههههه وش فيك مصحصح اليوم ي رجل خخخ

+ شآيف اسمك تمام مافيه شيء + آنا فآشل في اختيآر الاسامي >.<"

zeez10119 غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 05:58 PM   #1536
عاشق مبدع ومحترف
الصورة الرمزية sάsкε dεsigεηя
رقـم العضويــة: 102112
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 970
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 484
MSN : إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى sάsкε dεsigεηя

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

شو بيعرفني طفش حابب دردش مع أحد

مين فاضي يرفع ايده

sάsкε dεsigεηя غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 06:06 PM   #1537
عاشق مبدع ومحترف
الصورة الرمزية sάsкε dεsigεηя
رقـم العضويــة: 102112
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 970
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 484
MSN : إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى sάsкε dεsigεηя

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

Elle and Mias Hallows Eve Special


Hallows Eve is the night before All Saints’ Day and Elle Fierce had had a long day of work and then handing out candy to the kids doing trick or treat. Her name said who her family was: Fierce. But she was yet to prove her worth of inheriting the family’s title.
Mias had been working on his latest spell when his corrupt twin brother Elias had cast a rather dark spell on him, turning him into a dragon. Elias’ plan to take over both worlds (Earth and Masvé) was coming true and only Mias could stop it- but who would save him?
Neither Elle nor Mias knew that their paths would cross, but with the help of Duncan, a Vampire from Masvé, they would. But would Elle, a maiden, be willing to give up her life to fight evil?

10:00 pm
A quick rap on her door caused Elle Fierce to jump.
What was with her tonight?
She shook her head at her reaction and walked to the door, opening it. A man dressed in a black hooded cloak awaited her and handed her a basket with a black cape draped over it. It was awfully heavy. She looked down in confusion and when she finally looked back up, the man was gone.
“Hello!?” She leaned out of her door and looked around before muttering, “Seriously, what is wrong with people these days?”

Duncan pulled the hood back and let out an unnecessary breath. He had gone behind Elias’ back by attempting to bring Mias back… Hopefully this girl was the answer, because both worlds would perish if she failed.
The ash blonde vampire walked down the street, passing eager children and tired parents without worry of being seen as a monster… This was the one night of the year he could walk around freely with his fangs bared, his eyes glowing and blood on his clothes without having to watch people scream and run away in fear.
Duncan breathed in the night air and smiled. Hallows Eve was truly a glorious night for a creature such as he.

Elle placed the basket on her table and stared at it, deciding whether or not to look inside, so she shut her bright blue eyes, letting her right hand come into contact with the thick cloak and then she ripped it off and peered inside with one squinted eye.
Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the sacred bone hilted dagger and a green Dragon that resided inside. It explained why the basket weighed a ton!
The dragon itself was scaled with dark green and various other shades. It had black spines, claws and underbelly. She ran her fingers over the dragon’s body gently, shocked and it awoke, yawning. Its black eyes peered at her before cocking its wedge shaped head to the side. Elle didn’t move, but the dragon shuffled until it was comfortable again and fell once more into a steady sleep. It was then she spied a creamy coloured piece of paper that had been folded.

“What’s this?” She asked aloud and she slid it from beneath the snoozing reptile. It read:

Hallows Eve is a Necromancers night but how can the dead rest with their Warlock gone? Take the Dragon to the graves and raise him with the blood of a willing maiden. Her death is certain, but if he chooses, he can save her; only then her soul can be salvaged.
Do you save the Warlock to protect the world, or watch it burn in the red flames of his twin?

She stared at it and shook her head in annoyance.
“Some people are bloody weird- first the dragon and a dagger, and now this weird note! This isn’t helping me in the slightest!” She yelled at the thick rough paper.
She noticed a small scribbled message at the bottom of the weird poem and read on.

I’m so sorry miss for burdening you with such a task, but the worlds that I and you come from are in danger of being destroyed by my master. Please, understand that only you can complete this task and the being that you find in the basket is called Mathias…
Go to a cemetery and use your innocent blood to break the spell- make sure the dragon is completely coated in the blood. It must be done before midnight.
Save us all!
~ Duncan

“What!? I have to die to save both worlds!? The fuck!?” She walked over to the window and looked out. Her local cemetery was just under an hour away and she had two hours to complete this- if she did what the note asked…
She spent approximately twenty minutes deciding if she should go or not.
“This better be worth it or I’m going to haunt all the bastards that bestowed this on me for LIFE.”
She went into her room and dressed up in a purple and black long sleeve shirt that had an adorable orange jack-o-lantern on it, a pair of comfortable black denim skinny leg jeans and her shin high boots. She then brushed her hair and put the cape that had been on top of the basket on. It circled around her, flat on the floor and she knew that it was originally made for a man of tall stature. Packing a few other things, the maiden picked up the basket with both hands. Elle then made her way to the graveyard, wondering if she was going to die or be saved by this supposed Warlock.

Elle’s mind was racing. She had half an hour to do everything! She picked up the dagger carefully and placed it on the cloak. She then reached for the dragon, which made a growling noise and it literally glared at her.
“Don’t you dare give me that look Mr Mathias! I have a job to do and I need you out of that basket or god help me, we’re all going to die!” She scowled and glared at the small creature.
It snorted and climbed out of the basket. She looked inside and found there to be clothes made for a male… They weren’t your usual clothes though- they were old fashioned and yet, it was Halloween…
“Weirdos, weirdos everywhere” Elle chuckled.
She had finished setting everything up and she got the blade and sliced her hand, which wasn’t to hard, seeing as she cut herself almost every time she did cooking.
She placed her hand on the dragon and smeared it, and a vision formed before her eyes.

“I am Mathias… but you may call me Mias… And what is your name my sweet?”
Elle blushed and replied softly, “I’m Elle Fierce… Where are you from?”
Mias bowed and kissed her hand, which was still bleeding.
“You’re bleeding”
“Leave it! Just answer my question” Mias looked taken aback.
He had dark hair that would come down to his shoulders if it weren’t combed back so well, and he had very dark brown eyes to match… They had weird dark marks around them, but they made him seem dark and oh so sexy… But what topped it off was his tanned skin and perfect muscles… Her eyes roamed over his entire body and she almost screamed- MIAS WAS NAKED!
Completely forgetting about her question, she added, “Um, sir you’re naked.” She could barely get the words out.
“Do you like what you see?” He raised an eyebrow at her and she replied,
“Well you look wonderful, but I have to do something and you’re distracting-” But she was cut off when Mathias pulled her close and kissed her.
She had no idea what to do as she had never kissed anybody, especially someone who was naked, so she just stood still.
“Do what you must then beloved Elle…”

And then Elle zoned back in to find the dragon was almost completely coated in her blood. The wound on her hand wasn’t bleeding enough though, and it was almost midnight!
“Ugh!” and Elle picked up the blade and cut her wrist.
Pulling out a cup she had packed, she held it to the wound and put pressure on it, making the blood flow.
“This is so wrong… I could be called an emo right now- do you know what an emo is Mr?” She asked the dragon.
He just sat up and looked at her like she was nuts.
“Of course you don’t! Well when you’re back in your normal form, which looks very nice if you must know, I’ll explain it to you” She smiled at the thought.
She’d get to tell her friends she’d seen a hot naked guy! And about time too! Her friends were no longer virgins…
The cup was filled to the brim and she poured the blood over his backside and then she lifted the wings and coated them in blood… She repeated the whole motion of filling the cup with her blood until not a speck of green could be seen.
“Mr Mathias, I feel dizzy, so if you could just change into your normal self, I’d be very grateful…” She murmured and the dragon licked her wound, closing it.

Mias shifted into a fully-grown man, his hair perfect- just like everything else on his body.
“Miss Elle!” He cried, crouching beside the honey blonde female.
He recalled meeting her in the dream, and she had been beautiful then, but here in the real world she was perfect! A button nose, blue eyes surrounded by thick eyelashes, honey coloured hair and soft Caucasian skin… Her curves were flawless and her chest wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t non-existent either- perfection she was indeed! She was smaller than him, but she was cute like that.
Placing two fingers to her pulse, he realised how close to dying she was. Tasting her blood on his tongue made him queasy now that he was in his human form again, but he knew that she had been innocent and willing to save him just from tasting it.
“Oh Elle, you truly are fierce” and he kissed her, urging her to react.
As long as he could get her heart to keep beating, she would be fine. So placing a hand over her heart, a green flame came to life and he began to create more blood cells for her body. He repaired any damage to her body while still kissing her and when he felt her respond to his touch, he pulled away to find her large blue eyes looking up into his.
“Hello Elle.”

“Mias…” She blinked a few times before realising that Mias was still naked and that his manhood was very much near her own groin. “Um… Please get off me sir.”
“You’re naked and it’s making me uncomfortable… Really uncomfortable”
“Ahhh, you really are a maiden”
“Excuse me?” Elle narrowed her eyes at the gorgeous god-like man.
“Never mind my sweet” and he stood up, clicking his fingers, instantly robing his body.
“There were clothes in the basket, but you know, who cares”
“I’m wearing them my sweet”
“And you can stop calling me that… It’s weird cause I barely know you” She rolled her eyes and Mias chuckled, giving her a cheeky smile. “Stop smiling like that! Dammit Mias!” And she stood up, remembering that they were sitting on the cape.
She picked it up and shook all the grass off of it before handing it to the Warlock and he smiled, pulling it so hard that she fell into his arms.
“Why you-!” And he kissed her again, but she pulled away, snapping breathlessly at him, “Look I saved you and the two worlds that we come from and all you can do is kiss me!?”
“Well at this rate, I could fuck you but that’s not the point my sweet Elle”
“Then what is the point!?” She asked giving a sigh whilst crossing her arms.
“The point is that you’re an amazingly strong and fierce woman who I can admire… Also you’re perfect and I want to give you anything you desire.”

“Just save our worlds and we’re even” She turned away, but Mias had other ideas.
“You know, you actually owe me” His grin was very much like the Cheshire cat’s from Alice in Wonderland.
“What do you mean I owe you?” She stopped to glower at him.
“I saved your life… And if I save both our worlds, I believe you owe your entire life time to me”
“I…” Elle knew he was right… He could see her submission in her eyes.
“Good, after I solve this problem, I’m taking you back to my world” And then he snapped his fingers and vanished.

“GOD DAMMIT! I’M GOING TO KILL DUNCAN!!!!” And she stormed home in rage. With any luck, she could leave the state by 2am and never have to see Mias’ godly face or body ever again.

But poor Elle ran into him just as she was leaving out the door… He took her to his world Masvé and he held her in his mansion for a long time where she met many new people and creatures-
But that is another story for another time…

قصة جميلة جدا قريئته من الديفت أرنت انصحكم به

sάsкε dεsigεηя غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 07:52 PM   #1538
عاشق فلتة
الصورة الرمزية zeez10119
رقـم العضويــة: 86987
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
المشـــاركـات: 1,245
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 333

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

شبآآآب من جد مافي فريق ولا ايش >.<"

zeez10119 غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 08:12 PM   #1539
عاشق فلتة
الصورة الرمزية zeez10119
رقـم العضويــة: 86987
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
المشـــاركـات: 1,245
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 333

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

لقيت فريقي

zeez10119 غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-16-2012, 10:13 PM   #1540
الصورة الرمزية ♥ hoρε ligʜτ «
رقـم العضويــة: 73993
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
المشـــاركـات: 10,543
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 4277

افتراضي رد: استراحة فريق التلبية :))

مبروك وانا مع ناصر وريال

انا بدات اجمع الادوات من الان < متحمسه مرره
♥ hoρε ligʜτ « غير متواجد حالياً  
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